----- Original
Message -----
From: Cathbleue
To: picabiette
Sent: Saturday, May 31, 2003 2:03 PM
Subject: eh la biquette !
below Message from and to Western Union
Je sais pas
trop quoi penser de ce lait de cheval. Si je comprends bien c'est du lait
de jument. Il y a-t-il une telle confusion des genres à Kharagun.
Il y a-t-il aussi du lait de bique et de biquette fermenté à
Kharagun ?
Bref, sinon
je sais pas trop où tu vas filer, Oulan Bator via Irkutsk ou même
Dadal, surtout avec la nouvelle que je vais te donner. Voilà, j'ai
finalement décidé de ne pas faire ma bourgeoise et de t'envoyer
mon argent si tu veux.
Mais voilà ce que Judy 789 de la Western Union : Il n'y a pas
de Western Union à Kharagun.
Donc si tu veux recevoir mon argent, il va falloir que
tu ailles ailleurs. Donc à ta prochaine ville, je redemanderais
à Judy 789 ou à Chris 150.
p.s: : Il y a-t-il du lait de cigale ou de fourmi fermenté à
Kharagun ?
Original Message -----
From: <moneytransfer@westernunion.com>
To: "Cathbleue" <cathbleue@wanadoo.fr>
Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2003 10:31 PM
Subject: Re: Kharagun in russia Western Union - 1B8016276822
Thank you for contacting
Western Union.
We are sorry, but
we have no Western Union Agent locations in Kharagun. However, we have
two agents in Chita. Following are their address. We hope this will be
helpful to you:
----- Original Message -----
From: Cathbleue
To: moneytransfer@westernunion.com
Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2003 10:09 PM
Subject: Kharagun in russia Western Union
I sent you an email few weeks ago. Chris 150 gave me a very good answer.
Now, I would like to send money to a friend who is at Kharagun (it's near
Chita) in Russia.
I know exactly what to do from where I'm (Vitry sur seine), that is go
to the post office and fill a Western union form.
But my friend will have to go and search the money to her nearest Western
Union location.
But, I'm completely unable to find it on your web site even with the "Find
an Agent Location" web tool. I found every kind of locations except
Kharagun .
Please can you help me because it's becoming urgent.
My friend really need this money because she have been stolen all her
money one more time.