Original Message ----- ---- below Message from Dubble Zero -----
President Bush m'a écrit. cela s'appelle être ready.gov Les américains
sont prêts pour la menace biologique, la menace chimique, les explosions
- nucléaires inclus - et la menace de radiation... Cath February 21, 2003 In this Issue __________________________________________________________________
President Bush paid a visit to small business owners in Atlanta, GA to discuss the benefits of his economic growth plan -- especially job creation. The Council of Economic Advisers reports that the President's jobs and growth package will result in increased economic output and jobs starting this year. The biggest impact of the President's growth plan occurs up front, with 1.4 million jobs created by the end of 2004. The centerpiece of the President's plan -- the elimination of the double taxation of dividends -- is primarily responsible for job creation. The President's jobs and growth plan calls for the acceleration of tax reductions passed in 2001. Small business owners will receive 79 percent (about $10.4 billion) of the $13.3 billion in tax relief from accelerating the reduction in the top tax bracket to 35 percent. This will help small businesses to expand sooner, hire new people faster, and build a stronger foundation for economic recovery. President Bush's plan also helps working Americans by focusing tax relief on moderate-income families. Americans in the lowest tax brackets receive the largest percentage reduction in their tax burden under President Bush's plan, while Americans in the higher tax brackets will pay a larger share of the total income tax burden. A married couple with two children and income of $40,000 will see their taxes reduced from 1,178 to $45, a decline of 96 percent. Three million moderate-income families will see their income tax eliminated entirely. Policy in Focus - The Economy: http://www.whitehouse.gov/infocus/economy/ President's Remarks: http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2003/02/20030220-2.html __________________________________________________________________
The President met with NATO Secretary General Lord Robertson in the Oval Office on Wednesday. Speaking with reporters before the meeting began the President said, "I want to thank you for your leadership. You've done a fantastic job of keeping this alliance together, moving it forward -- by not only addressing the current threats that we face, but preparing NATO to address threats into the future." President Bush also said Wednesday, "I welcome today's decision by NATO's Defense Planning Committee to approve the deployment of AWACS aircraft, Patriot missiles, and biological and chemical defense equipment to Turkey." President's
and NATO Secretary General's Remarks: President's
President Bush Tuesday presided at the swearing-in ceremony of the new SEC Chairman, William Donaldson. During remarks, the President said, "This administration is committed to the enforcement of the security laws. We're committed to creating a climate of confidence in our markets. There's no better person to help achieve that commitment than Bill Donaldson." After making remarks the President answered questions from reporters regarding the U.N. and Iraq. President's
From the Department of Homeland Security's website regarding Wednesday's announcement: "The department of Homeland Security's 'Ready Campaign' seeks to help American families be better prepared for even unlikely emergency scenarios. While we cannot always predict an attack, there are simple things you and your family can do to prepare for the possible event of a terrorist incident." While much of the information being distributed is not new, Ready.Gov makes all the information available in one place for the first time. Homeland
Security Department Announcement: Ready.Gov: http://www.ready.gov Frequently
Asked Questions About Citizen Preparedness: __________________________________________________________________
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